
I’m not a doctor, nurse, nutritionist or fitness instructor.

I’m a licensed psychotherapist who knows that mental, emotional, spiritual and physical HEALTH all contribute to human WELLNESS! Here are some ideas I hope you can make use of and enjoy.

We are all vulnerable to illnesses, stress and burnout when we fail to engage in self-care. For some of us, our vulnerability to these issues is culturally-based, following patterns that we have learned by example; it may be genetic – passed down through our genes, and literally to our jeans! Or, the vulnerability we experience as individuals can even be more environmental due to the availability of unhealthy choices. But through self-awareness and making efforts to improve personal habits, we can make positive changes to our health and wellbeing. So, for fun and added awareness, here are a few ideas for making self-care healthy and fun. Disclaimer: These ideas are not fully representative of all the health-related suggestions out there….just a little motivation for your journey!  Please discuss ideas for diet, exercise and weight loss with your doctor and/or nutritionist, and find what works for you. Make it easy! Make it fun!

Physical Activity


Get that physical activity in! Any physical activity that gets your heart rate up will do the trick! If you have a dog-child like me, let your pet take you walking! 🙂 Check with your doctor or fitness trainer if you need help determining a healthy heart rate to avoid over-exerting yourself!

Here are some helpful pointers: 


Healthy Eating


One of my personal goals: replacing heavier meals with a salad several times a week.  The salads I make for myself are usually far better than those prepared for me because I know exactly what I like and can make it according to what I have a taste for. What makes a good salad to you? The more colorful, the better!


So, what’s in your glass? Everyone knows that sugary drinks are yummy and a nice treat but a ‘no-no’ if overindulged. If not a nice, tall glass of refreshing H20, try fruit-infused water, a healthy smoothie or sugar-free beverage in place of your usual milkshake, soda or sugary juices. 

For inspiration purposes:




Don’t let your go-to snack always be that same bag of greasy, salty chips, your favorite cookies or that other yummy but calorie-ridden goody.  Take it up a notch to something guilt-free!

I know it’s hard…but there’s hope and ideas to go with it!


Spiritual Practices


Are you a spiritual person? Do you enjoy meditation or prayer? Spirituality, religion and simple meditation can each have a positive impact on your health.





Pets can have an amazingly calming and destressing effect on us! Want the facts? Keep reading! https://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/volume-24/edition-3/value-pets-human-health